Monetization in the 5G SA Network


In today’s rapidly evolving telecommunications landscape, 5G Standalone (SA) networks have emerged as a game-changer. As we delve into the era of 5G, the opportunities for monetization have expanded significantly. This article explores the key strategies and use cases for monetizing 5G SA networks and sheds light on the challenges and considerations that operators and businesses must navigate.

Monetization in Telecommunications

In the past, telecommunications primarily relied on traditional revenue models, such as subscription plans and data usage charges. However, the advent of 5G calls for a reimagining of these models. The higher speeds, lower latency, and increased capacity of 5G networks open doors to new monetization strategies.

Key Features of 5G SA Networks

5G SA networks are characterized by their standalone architecture, which means they no longer rely on 4G infrastructure. This independence brings several key features:

  • Ultra-fast speeds
  • Ultra-low latency
  • Massive device connectivity
  • Network slicing
  • Edge computing capabilities

These features create a fertile ground for innovative monetization opportunities.

Monetization Strategies in 5G SA Networks

In the 5G SA era, telecommunications operators and businesses can explore various monetization strategies:

  1. IoT Monetization: The massive device connectivity of 5G opens doors for IoT monetization. Industries like agriculture, healthcare, and logistics benefit from real-time data and automation.
  1. Edge Computing Services: Leveraging edge computing capabilities, businesses can offer low-latency services, such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences, for a fee.
  1. Network Slicing for Enterprises: Network slicing allows operators to create custom networks for businesses with specific needs, offering premium services and charging accordingly.

5G monetization is top of mind for Communication Service Providers. Having invested billions of dollars in 5G deployments, they are now looking at the best options to maximize returns on their investment. 5G has the potential to drive new revenue growth and new business opportunities beyond connectivity, both in the consumer and enterprise segments. This will require CSPs to get involved in 5G ecosystems.

Nokia Corporation

Use Cases

Several industries are already benefiting from 5G SA monetization:

  • Healthcare: Telemedicine and remote monitoring services are thriving due to low latency and high-speed 5G connections.
  • Manufacturing: Smart factories employ 5G for real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and automation.

Challenges and Considerations

While the opportunities are abundant, there are challenges to overcome, such as:

  • Infrastructure Investment: Deploying 5G SA networks requires substantial investment in infrastructure and spectrum licenses.
Data taken from GSA report GSA_Standalone_5G_May_23_Summary
  • Competition: The 5G market is highly competitive, necessitating unique selling propositions for monetization strategies.

Future Outlook

The future of 5G SA network monetization is promising. As the technology matures and becomes more widespread, new use cases and revenue streams will emerge. Businesses that adapt to this changing landscape will be well-positioned for success.


In conclusion, 5G SA networks are revolutionizing the telecommunications industry, providing numerous opportunities for monetization. From IoT to edge computing, businesses and operators have a wide array of strategies to explore. While challenges exist, the future looks bright for those willing to invest in and innovate with 5G technology.